Contrary to popular belief that you need to consume particularly large amounts of protein to build muscle, less is sometimes enough. Strength athletes in particular tend to significantly overestimate the importance of protein in connection with their sport. A daily intake of protein in the range of three to four grams is still considered common in relevant circles, but according to various studies it overshoots the target.
Intense training and protein intake
If an athlete demands extreme muscle building, intensive training is in the foreground. The resulting stress creates a stimulus for muscle growth. Diet also plays a crucial role. Last but not least, the intake of protein is important, which is present in various quantities in numerous foods. If adults need around 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day to ensure all functions of the body, the situation is different when it comes to the desire for extreme muscle growth. An increased protein intake is necessary here. But nowhere near as much as has been the case in the past.
Below is a brief overview of the protein content of various foods:
Food |
Remarks |
Protein content |
1 chicken egg |
depending on the size |
about 7 g |
1 Schnitzel |
natural |
about 35 g |
100 g of lean cottage cheese |
13 g |
100 g potatoes |
2 g |
150 g of fish |
Natural |
about 29 g |
150 g of fruit |
about 0.7 g |
How Much Protein Do Occasional Athletes Need?
Nowadays nutritionists assume that a protein intake of 1.2 g per kilogram of body weight per day is sufficient for people who are only too active in sports from time to time. But also with regard to bodybuilders, this amount seems to make sense if only muscle mass is to be maintained. The muscle growth, however, places different demands on the amount of protein. This is especially the case at the beginning of muscle building when training is just starting.
Bodybuilding - increase protein intake in the beginning
Bodybuilders who are just starting out and just starting to train need to consume more protein in order to achieve their goal. This is the only way to build muscle faster. However, this does not mean that protein can continue to grow muscle at will. Above a certain amount of protein, more protein just doesn't make sense anymore. Then it can possibly even have harmful effects on the human body. Somewhere between 1.6 grams and 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day is the optimal amount in order to be able to achieve rapid muscle growth with appropriate training.
How much protein per day for which group of people
Ordinary citizens 0.8 g per kilogram of body weight
Occasional athletes and to maintain muscle mass 1.2 g per kg of body weight
Bodybuilders in the initial phase 1.6 to 2 g per kg of body weight
Can too much protein harm the human body?
According to current knowledge, a healthy person does not run the risk of harming his body if he consumes more protein than is recommended. However, there are some indications that during catabolic protein metabolism, stress on the kidneys due to the breakdown products produced cannot be ruled out. It therefore makes little sense to consume more protein than necessary. If bodybuilders have increased protein consumption, the amount not required by the body to build muscle is used differently. There is more energy.
Consume protein regularly
As part of a healthy mixed diet, the body can always be supplied with sufficient protein. Experts judge differently whether it depends on the time of feeding, before or after training. Many bodybuilders consume proteins in the form of protein powder immediately after training. This can be useful in individual cases and to build up muscle mass. However, there are studies that show no connection with the time of protein intake and muscle growth. When every meal contains a certain amount of protein, the athlete is on the safe side. This guarantees that the body has amino acids available evenly throughout the day.
The best type of protein supply is definitely a natural diet. It pays to create an appropriate nutrition plan and to deal more closely with food and its contents. Not only bodybuilders can benefit from this. Followers of other sports are also likely to improve their performance significantly through appropriate sports nutrition. Not least with regard to proteins, which take on numerous tasks in the body. Training alone is not enough to achieve excellent results.
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