According to experts, dumbbell and equipment training are equally suitable for achieving an effective increase in strength and muscle building. Recreational athletes as well as bodybuilders have been discussing which of the two is the best type of training for years.
Which training is more suitable - training on equipment or dumbbell training?
If you are at the beginning of your fitness career, your first fitness trainer will first show you all the equipment available. With the help of equipment, you can first learn how to use your own muscles. In the further course of the training, the free weights continue. Stabilizers are used for correct execution of the individual exercises. If you train with free weights, you will soon find that the training is much more demanding here.
Equipment training - perfect for beginners
Newcomers in the field of muscle training in particular are introduced to equipment training. Thanks to the guided exercises, incorrect execution can be prevented. It is still too early for dumbbell training with free weights due to the insufficiently developed support muscles at this stage. The training stimulus is not yet sufficiently available, which does not yet result in any growth in the muscles.
Advantages and disadvantages of equipment training
With the help of the guided equipment training, certain muscle groups can be specifically targeted, which leads to their growth. Equipment training is particularly suitable for beginners, as they are not so prone to errors. As a result, there is a reduced risk of injury for the person exercising. The most important thing in strength training itself is always safety. For this reason, from the point of view of personal trainers and fitness experts, equipment training is the best solution for newcomers as well as amateur athletes. In addition, there is the possibility of direct control of the progress made and the chance of immediate feedback from the trainer to the trainee. Dangerous situations such as a
Exercise right up to the limit
are practically avoided through equipment training.
The range of motion in equipment training has a disadvantageous effect. Based on the guided exercises, the nearby muscle groups are not trained. In addition, there is no obligation to compensate for the movements. The composite effects are therefore absent. In addition, devices require more intensive care. Among other things, the cables have to be constantly tensioned or replaced. Occasionally there is also the risk of thoughtless training due to lack of concentration. Devices usually require a large footprint.
The dumbbell training - the perfect growth generator
Advanced recreational and strength athletes like to turn to dumbbell training. Exercisers who have a healthy self-assessment and sufficient experience can benefit greatly from weight training. With the help of free weight training, not only the entire main muscles, but also those muscles that contribute to stabilization are used. Thanks to this synergy effect, significantly more muscle groups are used than is possible with equipment training.
Thanks to dumbbell training, there is a faster increase in strength. For such free weight training, however, a certain amount of
Concentration and
needed. The weights allow a greater range of motion and complex variations. With dumbbell training, the individual muscle groups can be isolated in great detail, which is why they essentially respond more quickly to the training. Long-term studies have also shown that training with free weights can demonstrate increased muscle contraction in the fibers.
Advantages and disadvantages of free weight training
Dumbbell training is of particular interest to those exercising who would like to exceed their limits. In addition, there is an extremely variable freedom of movement, which ensures that, in addition to intensive muscle training, this can also be done very extensively. A practical feature of dumbbell training with free weights is the individual division into smaller steps (1/2 kg, 1 kg, etc.). This can be particularly useful for so-called pyramid training. In the case of power machines, the spacing between the weight plates is much wider and is usually 5 kg or 10 kg.
However, with dumbbell training there is a significantly higher risk of injuries by not being guided by a trainer or fitness coach. Therefore, if possible, training in a team should be sought. Then at least a possible training partner can support you during the training with heavier weights and, in the worst case, is directly on site. In addition, a training partner can provide an additional boost in motivation and ensure that your own limits are exceeded.
A mixture of equipment and dumbbell training
However, exercisers can also achieve good results with a mixture of equipment and dumbbell training. If you are not exactly new to it, it can be recommended to always switch between equipment and dumbbell training with free weights. Thus the achievement of an optimal muscle building and muscle growth is assured.